Ever dreamed of starting your own blog but didn’t have a clue where to begin? If this sounds like you, then keep reading! *This post contains affiliate links*
When I first thought of starting my own blog I knew absolutely nothing about it. Just the thought of creating my own website seemed daunting. How could I possibly create something that people would not only read, but would look professional as well? I started doing some research and soon realized that the process really is very simple. You just have to follow the basic steps and you’ll be blogging in no time!
Start Your Own Blog Step 1: Hosting
Before you start posting about whatever it is you are passionate about, you need to find a host for your domain. There are no doubt tons of options out there. One of the most recommended though (and the one I personally use) is Bluehost. Their prices are very reasonable and they are very user friendly, which is good for those of us who are newbies.
They have several plans to choose from depending on what you or your business needs. This not only gives you hosting but also a free domain name for a year! I chose the first plan because that best suited what I needed to start my blog.
Step 2: Domain
Bluehost will ask you if you want to create or use an existing domain. I think creating a domain name is actually quite fun! It is important to think about what your blog is all about and what could possibly change in the future. It might be wise to keep the name somewhat broad in the event you decide to go in a different direction. In other words, if you call your site “All About Turtles” but then decide you want to blog about cooking your readers might be a little confused! Once you are done choosing your name and plan, you are ready to log in and start your blog. This is where WordPress comes in. WordPress is the editing tool that you will use to write your posts and create a theme. It is very user friendly and already built into Bluehost!
There are countless themes to choose from, some free and some not. Choose what looks best for your blog or business.
Once you have chosen your theme, it is time to start blogging! It’s that simple! So what are you waiting for? Hop on over to Bluehost and get started!