November Sight Word Fun

November is here, so that means it’s time for some more sight word fun! This month features a Thanksgiving theme for the sight words like, see, go, in, of. Grab the kids and let’s get ready to have some November Sight Word Fun!

Sight Word Hunt

The first activity is a sight word search. There is a sight word hunt for each of the five words. You can find them on turkeys, pie, hats and more! As with all of the sight word activities, once your child has completed it, they can feel free to add some color!

Sight Word Maze

Next, it is time to head home for Thanksgiving dinner! But wait! The family members need your help getting there! Help each family member find their way to the house following the designated sight word, but watch out for detours and one-way signs!

Color By Sight Word

After successfully getting to dinner, it is time for some good old-fashioned coloring. These color by number pages feature all five of the sight words in five different Thanksgiving pictures.

Writing Prompts

For some sentence writing practice, the next activity is a writing prompt instructing your child to use the designated sight word in a sentence and then illustrate it. The sentence can really be about anything, but bonus points for keeping it Thanksgiving related!


Who loves to play a game of memory? I do! You can use all of the sight words on cute Thanksgiving cards to play a game of memory. There are two sets included and both come in black and white as well as color.


Moving on to the next activity, you will find a Thanksgiving turkeys who need help sorting the sight words to the correct feathers. These can be printed as is, laminated or used with magnetic or felt board to make them re-usable if you wish!

Sight Word Reader

Finally, we end our November Sight Word Fun with a story about Thanksgiving dinner. This easy reader includes all of the sight words that were learned this month. Your child can read it, color it and even highlight or circle the sight words to help reinforce them.

So, there you have it! Five new sight words delivered Thanksgiving style! Be sure to check out all of the monthly sight word activities and stay tuned for December!

Looking for more great printables? Check out:

All About Pumpkins

Apples And Leaves

ABC Letter Activities

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  1. Pingback: All About Fall Celebrations - The Art of Mom at Home

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