Mother Goose Time

I think in the last year, most of us have had some sort of experience with homeschooling. It might have been by choice or because we had to. Maybe after it all, you were left wondering whether or not homeschooling is for your family or not. You might also be wondering what options are out there to get you started. If you are like me, then you like to spend little to no time prepping and have all of the lessons laid out for you. After all, we are busy moms even if we are stay at home moms! Today I am going to review and talk about one company that I personally used (and loved!) for preschool. If you have a preschool aged child, or know someone who does, then Mother Goose Time might be for you! 

My Decision To Homeschool

When my oldest was getting ready to start preschool, I decided to begin my homeschooling journey. I had taught preschool in a brick and mortar setting before, so I felt that I could do an adequate job in preparing my little one for kindergarten. But, I don’t have just one child, so I knew that I would not have time to sit around and lesson plan. It just wasn’t realistic. I wanted my child to have a good, solid curriculum that would expose her to many different subject areas. I also wanted to have a curriculum that was hands on, because this is how children of preschool age learn. They love to be active and put their hands on everything! Armed with what I knew I wanted, I was ready to find my perfect match.

So I started shopping around and reading other reviews about different companies. That is how I found Mother Goose Time (through Experience Early Learning). This curriculum is designed for children ages 2 1/2 to 5. It is fully customizable and can be used for individuals (such as what I did) or for whole classrooms! They will tailor your box to fit the size of the class you are teaching. 

What Mother Goose Time Teaches

When choosing a curriculum, it was important to me to know what my child would be learning. I was impressed by the range of topics for a preschool curriculum. I used to teach preschool in a brick and mortar setting, and our curriculum was definitely not that advanced! Here are the core subjects and skills that are covered in this curriculum:

  • social and emotional development
  • physical development
  • language and literacy development
  • mathematics and reasoning
  • social studies
  • science
  • creativity development

That is a pretty impressive list! Mother Goose Time uses a Research Based Approach to learning, which is a combination of teacher support, child experience and family engagement. You can choose your specific state to ensure that your box aligns to the specific standards of your state (such as common core or headstart). 

What Mother Goose Time Sends

So what exactly is in the box you ask? Let’s dive in shall we? Every month has a specific theme. You can check out the list of the upcoming school year’s themes on their website. Each month you will receive a large box that has all the materials you need to teach:

  • literacy tools
  • math tools
  • music and movement
  • science tools
  • art tools (minus things such as scissors and glue)
  • social tools

Each lesson is packaged separately so that you can just grab it and go. In addition to the lesson booklets themselves, you also get a teacher’s guide and a daily “discovery bag”. You can find an awesome video on youtube that explains and shows in detail what is included in the box if you want to see it in action. 

What I Love About It

I love that the lesson plans are separated in their own little booklet. It makes it very easy to stay organized and teach. Below are the booklets from the farm theme. This particular theme was a hit for us because we love animals! It included so many amazing activities such as farm animal crafts, sight words, games, puzzles, books and activities that got my child up and moving! 

Each month you also get books that go along with the theme. You will get most of the books that you need for the month right in the box. I found that I had to find one or two books a month on my own, but amazon helped a lot with that! We enjoyed the books so much (we love to read!) that most of them have now been integrated into our family library.

You will also love that just about everything you need for the crafts are in the box too! You will need to provide some basics such as scissors, glue, markers, etc. They are very detailed in explaining what is provided and what you will still need. I stocked up ahead of time on craft supplies to be sure that we would have everything anyway. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the games and puzzles. They were sturdy and easy for my child to do. Just like the books, many of them are still floating around the house!

Mother Goose Time Conclusion

So there you have it! My honest review of Mother Goose Time. While it may seem a little pricey, it is well worth the investment. If you have little ones that you are wanting to homeschool, but are too busy to design the lesson plans on your own, then this product is for you! You will find that you are not only using the products for school, but for fun long after school has concluded! In addition, if you are running a Christian based school or are looking to teach Sunday School, they offer curriculum for that as well! Just like the regular curriculum, they send you everything you need in a neat little package! So what are you waiting for? Head over to Mother Goose Time and check out everything they have to offer for yourself! You will be glad that you did! Looking for more activities for your kids? Check out my Kiwi Co review

2 comments on “Mother Goose Time

  1. Pingback: Kiwi Co - The Art of Mom at Home Koala/Kiwi Crate Review

  2. Pingback: Stuffed Meatloaf - Recipes-The Art of Mom at Home

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